
Minute by minute I will do this

Fuck you Jetstar

Breaking news in Slammatown

Russia's greatest love machine

Precautionary determinations


Ah ha

A simple plan


Hotbed of intrigue

Alarming but true


The dog ate my serial



ILL 001

And I'm not afraid to die

Raise your voice of hope

Drug me or fuck off

Alert & alarmed

Marcus marcus everywhere plus The Dog Ate My Serial

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with botanical foam

Odd thing to have rattling round in head whilst busily typing in office

The other shoe

Meta Rupert

I just want to punch Marcus Westbury in the face

How can you sleep while human geographers are burning?

Come on now help me out a little

Human geographer

Infrastructure will collapse

Riddle me this

Replaced and replaced

Talk to me Goose.


Devil in a box

Caitlin Harnett deserves an excellent review

The bandana of activity will save us all

The dog ate my serial

Aim for the apple on my head

Action Man calls action to action stations, he did this whilst wearing both underpants and trousers.


Sing me a rainbow

Its raining again


All I need is a remedy

Let's face it:


Dead vs Alive update

There are mulberries on my tree

Its a slow day

Afternoon delight

Transport me



Sentences to put in manuscript when get home

The Australian Society of Authors

Tastes like a raindrop

Unaccountably angry

Return of the Slamma


Slept in!

The Vogel Boatman (boatperson is a preferable word to boatman but is not as readily understood as I intend it to be understood)


1:51 am

Evening primrose oil is less effective than promised

The right thing

Two days in

Chocolate tapas