
Cataclysmic but slowly and not without joy

Lyndal Irons will sneak up on you

More stupid than you can poke three simultaneous sticks at or Spencer pulls off the most ridiculous birthday idea ever or Spencervision Part I

Fake rock journalist breaks solo streak by busting in on The Drones

When you go down Dixon don't order a special wife

And now back to the studio

One porter, one cider and one beer or Christmas Eve in the graveyard

I think I need a brain wash

Soundcheck City

That penguin plays rough or welcome to the zetabet

Give me back my notebook please or I really like it when the haridresser shoves their towel-covered fingers into my ears after washing my hair

Elemental mendicant


Purple reign

Glass hammers and the pleasures and perils of time travel


Some guests don't dance no matter what

One of seven possible reasons and the dandelion shadow of El Alamein

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Electric illusions, sticky fingers and the ruination of the ordinary