I have zipped the last zipper, everything is packed, I am leaving and I'm not coming back.
Oh that's not true. I have difficulty telling a lie. Nothing is zipped, not even my pants. I have been feeling that same feeling that used to make me slam my bedroom door then open it and take any decorations or signs off it then slam it again, make a sign that says NO ENTRY GO AWAY, open the door stick the sign on it and then slam it again. In my defence this was about twenty years ago. Things got more sophisticated for a while there but now I just want to slam all the doors then open them a crack and see if anybody noticed.
I put words in the manuscript, new words that weren't there before. 75 new words. It is something. I will write this book or I will die and if I die the book's going down first, I will make it pay. Until tomorrow it is wrapped in foil, someone recently brought to my attention the fact that it is foil and not gladwrap that has psychic protective powers. I have moved it from under my bed just in case I was right the first time.
Oh that's not true. I have difficulty telling a lie. Nothing is zipped, not even my pants. I have been feeling that same feeling that used to make me slam my bedroom door then open it and take any decorations or signs off it then slam it again, make a sign that says NO ENTRY GO AWAY, open the door stick the sign on it and then slam it again. In my defence this was about twenty years ago. Things got more sophisticated for a while there but now I just want to slam all the doors then open them a crack and see if anybody noticed.
I put words in the manuscript, new words that weren't there before. 75 new words. It is something. I will write this book or I will die and if I die the book's going down first, I will make it pay. Until tomorrow it is wrapped in foil, someone recently brought to my attention the fact that it is foil and not gladwrap that has psychic protective powers. I have moved it from under my bed just in case I was right the first time.
Rups :)
"I have zipped the last zipper, everything is packed, I am leaving and I'm not coming back. Oh, that's not true. I have difficulty telling a lie. Nothing is zipped, not even my pants." Dale Slamma~
Fabulous quote.