Cushion my blow

In no particular order, things that are worse than an arm to use as a pillow:

dead and decaying ordinary household rat
dead, decaying and collapsing carcass of a cow
drill bit


Anonymous said…
Cow? I think that was an ox, actually. A cow'd be alright. Better than reductionism, which is no kind of cushion.
DS said…
Yes. Quite right. It was an ox.
DS said…
I am just about to send an email. It will be a grand email. This email is not to you Superman but it will be a grand email none the less. Its about not liking orange.
Gemnastics said…
unless the arm you are using as a pillow belongs to a canadian madman weilding a rambo knife on a bus. then there is no worse thing than an arm for a pillow.