Eye for an eye and a baby for a baby

I am throwing out my socks, two by two. I'm wearing them first. I'm wearing socks all day then coming home and throwing them out at night. It is the best thing I have ever done.

Grizelda is in the kitchen mixing foul lemon mixture, she means to drink nothing but water and foul lemon mixture for five days. The Spatula sits on the lounge with her head peering out from under a half inflated air mattress. She's been blowing it up for a while now. Every now and then I wander down the hall and see how she's progressing.

I'm sitting in my room chatting idly on Fspazbook with Superman. The cat sits in the window sill. Its a still and ordinary night in The Peach except for my mind. Its clicking through gears and finding the right speed. At last I am beginning to be calm about this cursed course I am doing. I do not enjoy it, I resent it and despise it but now at least I think I can do it. I don't like churning out these boring pointless posts with half a crazed eye turned to my textbooks. I might have to reach some kind of compromise.
