Emotionally coherent nation

I do not write to produce writing. I do not write to give value to time. Delacroix is dead and I am sliding on a long exhaustion.

At the end of the evening one author walked out with a $35 000 cheque in her back pocket, running her fingers through her hair. I watched her leave the building, cross a road and wait for a taxi.


Anonymous said…
Did I just leave a blank comment? Actually, if you had one of those sticky hand things you could have flung it towards her back pocket and nabbed it for yourself.

I'm not writing to produce writing, I haven't been for what feels like a year now and I'm only saying that it feels that way because if I were to actually work out how long it has been I may just faint.

xox Rups
DS said…
Should have nabbed cheque. That seems clear now.