A gown, a theodolite and a garbage truck driver

I drove to work this morning. I couldn't bear one more day of walking through the door sopping wet despite my large red umbrella with hearts on it. Waiting at the lights to turn onto Salisbury Rd a garbage truck turned across the intersection at high speed. I caught a glimpse of the driver steering the truck calmly with a centred grace. He made the truck's turn sinuous with his large tattooed arms and I had an alarming moment of oooh.

Waiting at the lights near RPA a medical person was standing waiting to cross the road. He was wearing one of those green doctory pyjama suits, a hospital gown and a paper shower cap. I'm not sure why he was wearing those things out on the road. I thought the idea was that they were sterile clothes less likely to kill patients with deadly infecting things. He was holding two cups of coffee.

Waiting at the lights to turn onto City Rd a man on the corner was peering intently into his theodolite. He was a precise study of concentration and my third example of things you can do when you grow up. What if your career choices were limited to the examples you saw on the street one day? What if this is precisely what happened to me? What if one day when I was small I walked past an arts administrator and author but didn't realise it? Perhaps I should have walked past the Prime Minister instead.

I dined with Ron & Rita in Tamanas tonight. We sat peaceably shovelling a variety of curries and naan into our faces with Ronita (Ron & Rita's child) sitting quietly so long as she was sat upon Rita. This disappointed me as I had successfully, for the first time in my life, set up a high chair. Afterwards I snaffled Ronita and she sat very nicely on my lap attempting to spoon fig sorbet into her little mouth with a plastic spoon. Ron & Rita surprised me with a giant takeaway container of fig sorbet. A whole giant container just for me! They are the bringers of joy.


Dan said…
That picture is 14 kinds of adorable.
Anonymous said…
Yes, all well and good, but did you write this post with Blueboy? This is my challenge to you!
And the fig sorbet was delicious. I wonder how much they'd charge for the whole tray?
DS said…

Ronita is stupendously adorable, the photo does not do her justice.

I did not write this post on blueboy because blueboy has no blueteeth and I would have had to plug my phone in to the computer to upload the photo. I mean come one. I can't be expected to plug things in. It was great while it lasted but... Wires are over.

I will consider accepting you one month challenge if you will write a guest post for Dale For A Day.
DS said…
Management apologises for Dale's typos and craptactular spelling.
Anonymous said…
You look very happy in the photo. This makes me glad.
Anonymous said…
Aha, you need one of those USB bluetooth things. We have one here, or we may have given it to someone. Either way, they are cheap and easy to come by. I will give the guest post some thought...
I just thought the Blueboy Challenge would give you a great opportunity to give Blueboy a specific role. Unless you come over and we'll just fill him up with music, and turn him into a fairly cumbersome iPod.
Anonymous said…
Aha, you need one of those USB bluetooth things. We have one here, or we may have given it to someone. Either way, they are cheap and easy to come by. I will give the guest post some thought...
I just thought the Blueboy Challenge would give you a great opportunity to give Blueboy a specific role. Unless you come over and we'll just fill him up with music, and turn him into a fairly cumbersome iPod.