Can whitegoods bring personal happiness?

Yes. I arrived home from work and immediately thought "I might just pop some washing on". This happy thought was quashed by a bout of selflessness. The Spatula is leaving the country on a month long business trip tomorrow morning and I'm thinking that maybe she has some last minute washing to do when she gets home from work. It wouldn't do if I have filled all the new whitegoods with my non-urgent novelty hobby washing thus preventing The Spatula from washing necessary underpants and business outfits.

I wish I had magical superpowers. This wish has remained undiminished since I discovered the concept of magical superpowers. I was sitting in the office wishing for superpowers when I suddenly thought I might just mail order a husband. I waited until I arrived home from work then googled "mail order husband". The first site I clicked on produced a peculiar effect similar to inhaling laughing gas whilst sticking my hand in a blender so now I'm back to wishing for magical superpowers and longing to use the Incomprehensible European Washing Machine. I love it so.


Anonymous said…
I wish I had the power of knowing what people were thinking. I think life would be much easier for me.
DS said…
But it would be harder for those around you.
cath said…
I love that site! Still giggling.My superpower is still flight, (boring, I know), but I want it!!!