I've got This Is Not Art envy. I've organised some people for a panel, sorted an odd thing or two to happen up there, commissioned an illustrator to make promotional things, all for work, yet I can't go to TINA. I chose to go to Ron & Rita's wedding instead. I will love being at the wedding, I will have a fabulous time. I am even going to wear a dress, the first dress I have ever bought myself but right now I am twisted little soul.
I am Lydia screaming "I want to go to Brighton" and I won't be satisfied until I have created uproar in every corner of the house. I am Dr Gonzo without his drugs, I am the Wonder Years boy staring at Winnie, I am Dale Slamma missing out on the best arts festival in Australia and I'm doing it on purpose.
If you can go to Newcastle next weekend for TINA then go. Wear your favourite jeans and best sneakers, encourage your hair to go mad and then take notes. I love you TINA, I love you.
I am Lydia screaming "I want to go to Brighton" and I won't be satisfied until I have created uproar in every corner of the house. I am Dr Gonzo without his drugs, I am the Wonder Years boy staring at Winnie, I am Dale Slamma missing out on the best arts festival in Australia and I'm doing it on purpose.
If you can go to Newcastle next weekend for TINA then go. Wear your favourite jeans and best sneakers, encourage your hair to go mad and then take notes. I love you TINA, I love you.
But here's the little spiteful silver lining. Artboy's name was not on the list, for the first time in years. Good.