He was light and air, synchronised dust motes in real time on his skateboard. Fred Astaire in spray-on black jeans and a Rolling Stone t-shirt but my reverie was interrupted by the shocking fact that Grizelda has no idea what a womble is. Who doesn't know about The Wombles?
I think I'm in rondo form. I need a constant rotation of activity and feeling and I don't mean A B A B. I'm all over the alphabet with the need sometimes to be tacet in the aftermath of hemidemisemi. All I require is a conductor.
I think I'm in rondo form. I need a constant rotation of activity and feeling and I don't mean A B A B. I'm all over the alphabet with the need sometimes to be tacet in the aftermath of hemidemisemi. All I require is a conductor.
Cath: Blah. It has been several years since I've given a rats about technicalities. I just play what I went when I want and sometimes not at all. Ha ha ha ha! But I hope you are not suggesting romance between C & D. That would be highly inappropriate considering that C was previously engaged to Gemma.
those little pointy noses...dear oh dear oh dear...that will not do. she's young tho
Oh, here's a bit. Making good use of the things that we find. Things that the everyday folk leave behind.