I can't believe I keep coming back here day after day after day. Send urgent troop of machine gun grenade people to blow me up and end this once and for all. At the AGM the Chair of the Board described me as pleasant and always helpful on the phone. My first thought was Fuck you. Second thought Fuck you very much. Third thought Fuck you bitch. Fourth thought why the fuck did I spend all those years at university if at the end of it all I was going to be described as pleasant? Why the fuck do I bother to be hardworking, creative, professional (as possible) and resourceful. Why the fuck do I bother with anything in the office if at the end of the day all they want is some smiling dickhead they can describe as being pleasant and helpful?
I am making a new sign to put on my desk. Do I look like Martha fucking Stewart?
I am making a new sign to put on my desk. Do I look like Martha fucking Stewart?