
More stupid than you can poke three simultaneous sticks at or Spencer pulls off the most ridiculous birthday idea ever or Spencervision Part I

Sham civilian drinks free beer with the band then writes a boring post about it or Gareth Liddiard might be something more than an ordinary man but I'm not quite sure about that yet

The stupid stink of impending success and a distinct absence of actual reasons

For sure

Hey look it's Spencer! Sometimes more than one of him at once...

A definite line in the sand

Fake rock journalist breaks solo streak by busting in on The Drones

Sandwich yelling gives way to more generalised slouching or let me explain about Radio Man

Don't make me walk like a gunslinger

Oh you know, just walking around a little before undressing in a surprise disco

And now back to the studio

Let's get drunk and drive or The Holy Soul's narrow escape from a suicide ride

Turn it down, turn it off or here is my press kit

They even flush

This will be my year of deliberate misrepresentation, where there is livestock there is dead stock

One porter, one cider and one beer or Christmas Eve in the graveyard

Just like a house but in a shoebox

I think I need a brain wash

Ye gods and far out I was sitting next to a former Rolling Stones tour manager

Soundcheck City