
More stupid than you can poke three simultaneous sticks at or Spencer pulls off the most ridiculous birthday idea ever or Spencervision Part I

In a trap there were three things, me, my regret and my poverty or Newtown, the gossamer trap, cuts both ways just like a knife


Dolly bomb

Sandwich yelling gives way to more generalised slouching or let me explain about Radio Man

Oh you know, just walking around a little before undressing in a surprise disco

They even flush

One porter, one cider and one beer or Christmas Eve in the graveyard

We Buy Your Kids

It seems to me like this might be the place

Peter, Paul and Mary seemed to have each other

I've lost that and now it's gone

Damn You, Ra

Little things big Monday night

Dear Robert Tuckwell I have decided that seeing as I do not know you it would be imprudent to fall in love or Extract from a letter to Robert Tuckwell


That penguin plays rough or welcome to the zetabet

Even Alf Wight was chastised or periodic escape from the Inner West can prevent trench foot

And her coat's a second hand one