You don't have to be rich

Salty sea dogs fear me. I carry the thickened syrup of rough waters in my mouth. This can sometimes happen when you put a pinch too many in your Rupert Soup. All I can taste is salt and it heightens my sense of smell. The frangipanis emit thick fogs unbearably sensual, all of Newtown looms in waves of coloured scent. I have poisoned myself with salt.

I've been trying to find someone to come see the Archibald exhibition with me. No one wants to. Not one person. You'd think one person might be interested, but no. Not a one and this is why when I was given a gift voucher for an expensive dinner in a boutique hotel in Paddington my heart dropped. Who among my friends would disappoint me first? I've decided to leave this up to them, all of them. Here's what I'm going to do.

Wanted - Interesting dinner companion
If you would like to join Dale Slamma for an overpriced (but fortunately paid for by the magic of gift certificate) hopefully delicious dinner in a small boutique hotel in Paddington simply email and explain how and why you would be interesting.

Multiple entries encouraged. The winner will be notified by email, winning entry published on this blog. Remaining anonymous is a possibility.

Correspondence definitely entered into, Slamma loves a good argument.


Shelley said…
Slack that no-one wants to see the Archibald. What's better than looking at paintings?
DS said…
Maybe chocolate, the kind without ill-making dairy in, or sex but that is but a distant memory. Strictly speaking I haven't asked everyone for example people I have seen a lot lately are probably sick of me so I try and have an even roster to avoid driving people mad.
Shelley said…
Valid points. Add alcohol and you've a real winner.

Painting looking at is a nice Sunday afternoon sort of activity and, therefore, one people are sure to be kind to you about.
DS said…
We are rolling. I kicked a ninja because that's how I roll. It seems this is one of my more popular experiments. I have several excellent entries already so strap on your typing fingers and insert your dinner competition winning brains. This is going to be interesting.
NWJR said…
Are you paying airfare? ;-)
DS said…
Wish that I could. Sorry.
Anonymous said…
We never got an invite to see the archibald? Are we not included in your list of someone?
DS said…
You are definitely someones but if you will read my comment above I did not ask you in case you are sick of me after seeing me last weekend. Do you want to come see the Archibald exhibition with me?
Anonymous said…
Tempted to say "no" on principle now...
But when were you planning on going?
Perhaps someone will enter a portrait of Dale Slamma next year...
DS said…
Well obviously I am approached to sit for a portrait every year but I have developed a horror of sitting for portraits after the last one went terribly wrong.
Anonymous said…
Ah Dale,

I too have over-salted Caldo Verde before, and it isn't pleasant on the other side of things I once forgot to add salt and it wasn't pleasant, either way, just a couple of pinches and keep taste testing.

Rups xo
DS said…
Yes, very unpleasant. I will be more cautious with the salt next time.
Anonymous said…
I would love to see Archibold next week, but the dinner thing would be wasted on me. Vegan, and all that...
Anonymous said…
Whoops... spelt it wrong. I guess that means I'm out of the competition :(
DS said…
The Archibald is not a competition. I just want to see the exhibition with a friend.