
The internet is marvelous, I believe this to be true. After only ten minutes of searching I found a job I wouldn't mind applying for.

I am newly determined to search for excellent jobs and then apply for them. Thanks to the internet I can do this sitting in my bed with a lovely cup of tea. It is a great shame that I am terrible at writing job applications. They make me feel odd, I do not like and am often tempted to write things such as, "I mostly try and do all of my work but to be honest some days are just crap and I'm likely to be easily distracted and write notes for my novel on all available pieces of paper. My brain is occasionally completely occupied with a mad idea, I will share this mad idea with whomever is nearest regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. This is why everyone in my office, including the executive director, knows about my invention of a stapler that has an alarm telling you when it is running out of staples and also potentially doubles as a vibrator, handy for handbags."

Today I have not eaten one vegetable, I had a glass of juice when I realised, this was not a Christmas miracle.


Maria said…
I like those movies where a protagonist says something stupid to their potential employee/boss and gets hired/promoted. You know, like "I sit around all day and eat muffins, basically, we don't get enough work around here." And then it turns out later the boss prefers them to the sycpophants because they're honest and have the guts to speak up.

I just wish it would happen in real life.

Instead, every time I do "take me as I am" I fear I am knocked back, the times I think I've been liked is when I was liked by the dog. So strictly speaking I didn't suck up to the boss, but I did to the dog. Now that is kind of pathetic.
DS said…
Oh dear. I'm afraid I'm always rather take me as I am, even when I'm trying not to be.
Anonymous said…
I've worked out my best chances of getting another job which doesn't suck near as much as my current one, I need to shave more often than once a fortnight, get a haircut more often than once every three months, turn up to work five minutes early rather than five minutes late, and generally work more. Of course, if I could find a job where I can be a terminally late hairy slob that does a 1:4 work to rest ratio during my work day, and these qualities were held dear by my employers, this would be ideal.
However if I have to get my shit together that is fine. I currently work for a boss that steals our chocolate coated macadamias and when caught out claims that they were being "safe guarded".
DS said…
Its just not right to steal someone's chocolate coated macadamia nuts, just not right.

I am beginning to suspect that 2008 is going to be a "getting shit together" bonanza (insert traditional ninja noise here).
Anonymous said…
The nuts were the last straw. In conjunction with 10 months backpay from a pay rise we never got, a crappy roster system and general incompetence.
My work is like Fawlty Towers for the disability industry. In fact I am collating plots to do a sitcom.
DS said…
Well if you need help drafting a legal nasty letter #1 give me a call.