There was going to be words about something else entirely

I seem to have developed a sudden and unexpected hatred. Its my friends I'm feeling sorry for, the ones who patiently and repeatedly say things like "Axe murdering might not be the best idea. Why don't you just wait a little while and see if you still feel the same way in a week or so" or my personal favourite "Why don't you try not doing something stupid, just for now, and see how it turns out?". I'm fairly certain that my friends are not convinced about my hatred. My friends are generally correct about this sort of thing, maybe I'll hang off the axe murdering for just a little while...

I interrupt the hating for an important message about loving. Have you seen Apartamento yet?


TimT said…
I advise you not to take an axe to Gunns. Axes v. guns almost never works out well.
TimT said…
Maybe a cannon?
DS said…
Hold your fire, I think the protest folk might prefer a canon.
TimT said…
Good point, with a little petitionary prayer these Canons should be able to organise a good old-fashioned smiting.

I knew it was only a matter of time before protesting became an organised religion.
DS said…
I was thinking more about the row row row your boat kind...
Kate said…

Check it!
DS said…
Magnificent beastie!
Paddle pops are not as innocent as they seem. Not if you're a cow.
DS said…
Really? I always wondered about paddle pops. I find them completely undigestable (I don't think that's a word).
TimT said…
I'll have your paddle pop if you're not interested then.
DS said…
I'll post it express.