
I'm walking down the road trying to loosen my load, I've got seven things on my mind, four that want to make me, two that want to break me and one said he's a friend of mine, but I think that must be untrue.

I've half a mind to harpoon things. I'm already balancing like Qeequeg on the bow of all of my ships. I'm smoking tomahawks and setting wooden gods atop my very own head but people counsel caution saying there must be other things afoot. Perhaps there are but I know not what besides rabbit holes and everybody knows I am determined to steer clear of those.


NWJR said…
Just take it easy...take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels make you crazy. Lighten up (while you still can). Don't even try to understand—just find a place to make your stand.

And take it easy.
DS said…
Very wise. I mean I may lose or I may win but I'll never write this post again...
Anonymous said…
are you depressed? are you going to top yourself? only asking cause your blogs are a bit spaced out.
DS said…
Here am I sitting in a tin can.
curious smurf said…
And what is sitting in a tin can going to do? how will this help with the out come of your life?.
DS said…
Planet earth is blue and there's nothing I can do.