No shit Sherlock

I caught the end of the book show and I can see why Robert despises it so but it did inspire to take and finish reading 'The Outsider". I began reading it on the train to Ron & Rita's about this time last year. I caught the mountains train and sat back with my book but spent most of the journey in quiet reverie which was a grand idea as it turned out I stayed up extremely late drinking all manner of ill-advised drinks and then stumbled around the Newtown festival the next morning holding one year old Ronita in my tired and sunburnt arms.

Its the Newtown festival next weekend and I feel obliged to finish the book I started before it becomes one year but alas I have lost my Camus. It is nowhere to be found, not in the library (currently being reorganised from autoboigraphical into alphabetical order) nor in the shelves in my room. I've looked in all of my drawers, baskets and cupboards. It is impossible that one of the Peachettes should have taken it into their rooms, as a general rule the Peachettes do not read books. It is becoming a puzzling puzzle of Sherlockian proportions. My next move is to examine cigar ends, footprints and newspaper habits of all people involved. This could take a while.


Anonymous said…
I have my Camus. It is called "The Fall". Do you need to examine this particular Camus as a reference?

said the Spencer.
DS said…
That is a good idea, maybe the presence of your Camus will encourage mine to come out of hiding.
Anonymous said…
I have my copy of The Outsider. You can borrow that as a reference if you like.
DS said…
That would be excellent.I will try very hard to not to get tea, vegemite and cigarettes all over it.
Anonymous said…
I will be sad not to be joining you again at the festival, but i feel it is not the ideal venue for me at present time. I'm am saving you from my whining.
DS said…
Ah Rita, the festival makes everyone tired let alone trying to do it in your current state although I do still wish you were coming.

I like the way we are winding history around each other, the way we can say do you remember that year and we can all nod and say yes. These are good things. I will explore the festival on your behalf and report back to you.
Anonymous said…
If you see something great for bun or Ronita that just can't be resisted, don't. I love the dress you got her last year. It's now in the cupboard waiting for someone special enough to pass it down to.