Station Lady, Jacket Man and Freddie Mercury Guy

Freddie Mercury Guy is an everywhere man. I'm not sure if its his striking resemblance to Freddie Mercury, the way he suddenly appeared and was everywhere all at once or if its something else entirely. I see him all the time, no matter where I am. He's practically omnipotent. He induces in me such a state of excitement that I have inadvertently invented a "I can see Freddie Mercury Guy dance". Spencer and Superman have developed almost identical responses to my dance, they stand perfectly still and say the word "spaz" slowly and clearly, Spencer, unlike Superman, will sometimes have his hands in his pockets.

Most people I know are well acquainted with Freddie Mercury Guy so I have taken to doing my dance, saying "Its Freddie Mercury Guy" then running away to avoid having to attempt to speak in a rational manner. I suspect that this may eventually prove trying for people other than me.
