
I'm not eating dead saints but I'm walking through like everything is holy. I'm too earnest, we all know that, so I can take a skitter or an occasional low slung arrow but when he simply turned his back and walked away holding his wine glass out like a flare I thought this time Benito Di Fonzo you've gone too far.

I was sipping coffee with Spencer in the back part of the cafe having forgotten that Benito had sent out invitations to some kind of thing happening in the front part of the cafe tonight. I remembered quite suddenly when I ran right into Benito in the narrow hall connecting the back of the cafe to the front. I said hello then kept moving to the counter but on the way back out Benito and I had what would pass for conversation until we were talking about Jon Wah. I suspect that Benito believed I did not care for Jon Wah because I once referred to him as a reprehensible cunt but I don't recall seeing Benito at Jon Wah's funeral where I stood silent in the freezing rain wondering how in the hell a light like that could extinguish itself so completely.

I paused and dropped my head at the thought of Jon Wah and all that his death has done, this is when Benito turned his back and walked away holding out his glass of red wine like a flare. I burst onto the street in a fury matching Spencer's long stride. Spencer turned to me and said "He rates himself" then fell silent again.

I'm not eating dead saints but walking through like everything is holy so please, if you don't mind, just take a little care.


Anonymous said…
to quote from Elvis's 1968 comeback special...

'...he that that big, he's just tall, that's all!'

He got you on the departure - my advice is work on your abrupt leaving flourish.

DS said…
Sound advice Spencer. I will practice in front of the mirror tonight.
Anonymous said…
I question the lack of quality of the coffee you chose. it's influenced bizare writtings.
Anonymous said…
How about bizarre spellings, chummer?

Nice one Spencer - 'he rates himself'. Three word summaries of impeccable accuracy are obviously your forte.
Gemnastics said…
Don't take it personally. He's developmentally challenged. When he doesn't know what to say next he mostly just says 'egg' or 'nun slit' but when this is socially inappropriate he makes odd gesticulations instead. It is his way of being polite.
DS said…

Chummer is an excellent word.


That is good information to have.
