Churchill was on to something, thanks Ron

Never, in the field of biscuit bakery, has so much, been owed by Dale Slamma, to Tim T.


TimT said…
I am truly honoured by this Churchillian tribute to my humble efforts to bring biscuits to the world.
Anonymous said…
Was my biscuit eating pleasure.
Gemnastics said…
i thought it was a goodies tribute. god bless intertextuality.
Anonymous said…
I've found saying that Churchillian comment with a tinny and clipped 1940s wireless voice, really sounds convincing.
I imagine saying it with one of Tim's biscuits in your mouth would replicate the effects of a cigar muffling the speech nicely too.
And if you ate several tins of the biscuits, you'd be well on your way to a slightly rotund Churchillian physique.
These biscuits certainly could transform your life!
Anonymous said…
Ein Dale! Ein Slamma! Ein Biscuit!

And so, my fellow bloggers: ask not what your biscuits can do for you - ask what you can do for your biscuits.

Yesterday, June 5, 2008 - a date which will live in gluttony - Dale Slamma was suddenly and deliberately sent biscuits by the cooking and packaging forces of Tim T.

Hitler, JFK and FDR like biscuits too.
DS said…
I knew your special skills would come in handy one day Ron. I hereby declare you my official Figures From Modern History Speech Person. Arise FFMHSP Ron.
Anonymous said…
This is a better Churchillian version, technically.
"Never in the field of biscuit bakery has Dale Slamma owed so much to Tim T."


"We will eat them on the beaches..."