Subject, object, six month rohypnol

I've been drinking with Spencer, I thought it was gin so we were drinking it lime and tonic but it turns out it was something else. I've been drinking with Spencer and he told me, don't get scared, don't panic and run away which is exactly what I was getting ready to do. I'm not running away from Spencer, its someone else entirely that's causing me to stamp my feet and turn a wide eye towards the horizon.

I've been drinking with Spencer and now I can't work out whether my new heater is on or off or on. The switches don't make any sense to me and the red light glows a constant unhelpful warning. I've been drinking with Spencer but before that there was Alice. We shared a bottle of wine and she turned up the collar on my coat then she held my hand and walked me home.

I've been drinking with Spencer and he said the thing about Alice is that she reminds everyone that's alright to be precisely who you are. I'm trying to think how she might do that but I can't fix on anything. She doesn't do it with words or the way she crosses her legs. She doesn't do it with intentional intentions. I think might be the way she inhabits herself and the air around her.

I've been drinking with Spencer and the words make so much sense inside my head. They are hammering out everything except the essential everything but I've been drinking with Spencer so I'll go to sleep with the exact shape of myself pressed into every corner of my mind. I'll keep the words inside me and I'll unplug the heater from the wall. I've been drinking with Spencer and holding hands with Alice and the world sounds like a song.
