I still want to punch Marcus Westbury in the face

But its against the rules to tell you why until I finish this essay. Why not read this in the meantime? Or you could think about whether or not yelling at stars is a stupid waste of time or even think about this, is it not odd that the first thing everybody thinks is pornography? Since when did naked equal porn and I would like to add, distastefully, that Lolita is a splendid book, it has an astonishing rhythm.


Anonymous said…
"Discard your views of the Western Sydney Artist as the new Noble Savage."

Darn. I didn't know I was one, and now I've missed out.
DS said…
You don't sound like you are an artist, you are probably simply a savage. I do not like anonymous comments.
Anonymous said…
I like the idea of calling out to the stars.

And the electric postcards we attached to Voyager and Pioneer, it's a hopeful gesture rather than a realistic one.
DS said…
Wow. I mean don't distract from my essay.
DS said…
You're supposed to be thinking about it, that is all, just thinking.
Gemnastics said…
Lolita is certainly one of those books that makes one bitterly angry that Nabikov only had One Good Book in him.

Stupid Nabikov. He might have tried harder.