Sunday night

Bastard wasteland. So tempting to succumb to its indigo pull. Bastard wasteland of a night.


Shelley said…
You will. Sooner or later you will. Might even be fun.
DS said…
What might fun about succumbing to an indigo pull? I am just wondering.
DS said…
I'll try again. What might be fun about succumbing to an indigo pull?
Shelley said…
Isn't the indigo pull the night, the city, the life outside the door? I assume to much, probably.

Most things can be fun sometimes.
Shelley said…
Or if not fun then exciting, interesting, different. Something. Oh, who knows, I am drunk anyway.
DS said…
Oh, I was thinking blue as in blues and then I was thinking indigo because of that old tune, mood indigo.
Anonymous said…
If I go out into the night usually at some point I must indigo.

Rups xo
Tara Tartly said…
dale, i am just do you, on an indigo blues sunday night, pull it together enough to write words of such beauty and perspective and knowingness? really. all i can come up w/ on those nights is incoherent blubbering...interrupted only by a few utterly predictable curse words.
DS said…
Sometimes there are only words.