I have a new experiment. I imagine I am feeling the physical weight of these objects. I have carried so many things with me from house to house from life to life. This is shedding. I am taking things I no longer want or need, one at a time, and leaving them for others to find. Where I am able to I am writing daleslamma.blogspot.com on the bottom or inside, otherwise I am writing it on a tag and tying it on with string or ribbon.
It is my hope that each object might catch someone's eye, might be collected as a new treasure. I am hoping that someone who finds an object might visit here and tell me what they found and where they found it. If anyone does I will write about the object, where I got it, who I got it from and when. I'm starting small but I'll work my way up. This is my new daily task.
It is my hope that each object might catch someone's eye, might be collected as a new treasure. I am hoping that someone who finds an object might visit here and tell me what they found and where they found it. If anyone does I will write about the object, where I got it, who I got it from and when. I'm starting small but I'll work my way up. This is my new daily task.