Ordinary moments

The problem I find is that every moment feels ordinary. There was merriment on The Peach Deck last night for The Spatula's birthday, it was a smooth running affair. There was lobster, scallops, prawns and all manner of delicious things.

Gemma and Cooper once again graced The Peach with their presence, my brother was there, Leurf the long lost Peachette came by. There was drinking, singing, some dancing (mainly Gemma and Cooper) and general chatting with laughing but it is delving I want. I crave meaning. I yearn for every moment to be a turning towards something more. I am not sure what it is that I am missing this day; perhaps it is the absence of sleep.

I am thinking that Gemma has a calm presence that does me good. I want to be flighty but she sits with certainty. It is not usual for me to be relaxed when we have only met four times, not usual at all. Ordinarily I require years, long years.


Anonymous said…

you've lopped sideways.

NWJR said…
You should post some sort of a list of definitions for the nicknames you use on this site in your sidebar. I get confused.
DS said…
Rups, Yes I have. I thought I had rotated but the silly photo will insist on being sideways. I suggest tilting your head for a more usual viewing experience.

Ok. Done.
Gemnastics said…
ah, but we have lived in one another's virtual pockets for some time now.