Yaarrgh for the drinken blooger

I set my hair on fire in Tug Dumbly's house and now my head hurts. I blame Benito Di Fonzo, that's rtight. You heard me. I blame Benito. I went a thing and Benito was there and somehow somewhere I ended up at a party in Chippendale singing Tangled Up In Blue and then setting my hair on fire in Tug Dumbly's bathroom. A Romanian poet gave me licorice papers to roll my cigarettes with.

My head really does hurt. I think I have burnt my head. There were at least seven conversations about my hair this evening and that was before the fire and Gary the Groper who valiantly tried to pick up The Spatula whilst simultaneously sticking his hands all over my person. As long as he kept above the clothes I refrained from punching him in the head quite hard.

Benito offerd me a xanax and I was slightly surprised. I don't think anyone has ever offered me a xanax before, perhaps I should have taken it. When I first saw Benito the usual Benito effect took place and words flew everywhere except out of mouth then Benito said "Are you wearing a wig?". That was the first conversation about my hair. Most of the other conversations I overheard rather than participated in, it was very odd and then there was the whole fire thing but nobody saw it.

Oh god I had two glasses of water and I feel terrible, my head is pounding from terrible wine and I don't even know what's happening I think my bedroom is traveling through time. Its time I went to sleep.


Benito Di Fonzo said…
Well, I did tell you to take the Xanax, would have cured everything I'm sure. By the way, I hope you didn't take the wig thing as an insult, I just really thought you were wearing one, which is not that uncommon in my circles - I don't know if you noticed but at least three people at Gini's dinner party/ drunken backyard jam thing were...

Anyway, thanks for coming to my messing guitar/poetry/exhibition launching thing, and watch out for Gary, he's not called The Groper for nothing... Oh and thank your friend also, who gave me some kind of affirmation written on some kind of Uno card when she left, what was her name? Nice dame anyway, as are you Dale Slamma...
Benito Di Fonzo said…
Also, to cure hangover you could try my personal recipe (adapted from Lord Byron's) -

I nip of cider vinegar built over ice in a schooner glass, then topped with orange juice, and used to wash down two Nurofen Plus or one Panadeine Forte (seasonal)...

Hope that helps, I'm waiting for a car to take me for my other personal cure - snorkeling with the blue gropers at Gordon's Bay, cheers.
DS said…
Nice cure Benito. I did not take you for the snorkeling type. I myself snorkel, people snigger when I tell them.
Benito Di Fonzo said…
Snokel proudly, my odd fish, for only through snorkeling do we both get to share water with fish while in underwear and breathing through Taiwanese rubber pipes, but we also gain a reputation as eccentrics.

According to Weeks & James study of Eccentrics they -

1. Live longer, and have less illness through their lives,

2. Are generally much happier than 'normals', and

3. Have significantly lower occurances of mental illness,

so snorkel away wigged angel!
DS said…
Normals, I try and avoid those ones. Perhaps I will snorkel into you one day Benito in a happy underwear tube breathing accident.