Am just looking in street directory to find out how to drive to Creamboy's house. Picking him up for a sorbet mission of sorts. Should be interesting.
And it was. In a usual sort of way. It was of course a delight to be welcomed into Ron & Rita's lovely abode so often this weekend. It was good to be listened to and fed. It was remarkably wonderful to have a proper dinner two nights in a row. This is something I should attempt more often.
I think something I forgot to do was to say thank you to Creamboy for bringing over tea that I had never had before and serving it to me in a beautiful cup. It was a treat.
And it was. In a usual sort of way. It was of course a delight to be welcomed into Ron & Rita's lovely abode so often this weekend. It was good to be listened to and fed. It was remarkably wonderful to have a proper dinner two nights in a row. This is something I should attempt more often.
I think something I forgot to do was to say thank you to Creamboy for bringing over tea that I had never had before and serving it to me in a beautiful cup. It was a treat.