Oooh exciting

I am both here and in Liner Notes as a super special double Dale one day only deal. Please note the Liner Notes guest post is not the Marrickville Metro essay but the notes for the idea of it, sorry Gemma.

Oh and super thanks to NWJR for letting me invade his blog, which is written in Upstate New York, that's very exciting. I wish I was in Upstate New York. Is Upstate meant to be one word? I don't know I 'm just rambling again.


cath said…
I still think you're a fantastic writer Dale, even if you dislike my views in vegetable topics:-)
NWJR said…
You've added a whole new dimension of excitement to my blog today! Thanks for guest hosting on my birthday!
DS said…
Happy Birthday!
DS said…
Cath: Thanks and I've got nothing against vegetables themselves, just so you know.
Gemnastics said…
For some reason all this time I thought NWJR was a girl...
DS said…
That's odd. I wonder why you thought that. What does NWJR stand for?

New Wave Joel Rocks?
Gemnastics said…
Net Wanking Jism Rocket?
NWJR said…
For some reason all this time I thought NWJR was a girl...

I get that a lot. Seriously. Every now and again, I have to offhandedly mention my gender on my blog because newbies just assume I have "innie" plumbing and not "outie".

Net Wanking Jism Rocket? BWAHAHAHA!
DS said…
Net Wanking Jism Rocket. Best four word combination I've heard in ages.
Gemnastics said…
There are bucketloads of fun just waiting to happen here.