I am getting very excited


The alpaca in Melbourne - Gemma has handy updates on the alpaca's movements
Wroving Writers
Being alive


Gemnastics said…
I find the phrase 'cool bananas' a little on the geeky side. A person I used to know said it as often as others might use 'cool' by itself, and after a while i began to wince whenever he used it because it felt so laboured and overdone and overused and like he said it way too much and just used it too often. He had unattractive teeth and a personality disorder which perhaps had a hand in my rejection of the whole 'cool bananas' scene. i am female, 29 (but not for long).
DS said…
Ah, this is good information. I need all the information I can get about the phrase 'cool bananas'.
Anonymous said…

that wouldn't happen to be whats-his-name the poet guy from the Arthouse who says "Cool Bananas" all the time? Because he turned me off the expression and I hadn't even heard it before. However "Unreal Banana Peel" is still safe until ...


why not Roving Riters? Actually, although it has probably been done before, I'm forming a group called The Easy Writers, and we are going to ride around on ... well ... maybe bicycles but big ones, the Dragster ones.

xox Rups
Gemnastics said…
no i don't think so - i don't know what the arthouse is but this guy was from sydney. but they sound interchangeable.
DS said…
G: The Arthouse is a pub in Sydney. On Wednesdays they have naked people upstairs but you're only allowed in if you are going to sketch them.

R: Are you going to have streamers on the handles?
Gemnastics said…
oh. well then maybe.
Anonymous said…
No, the Arthouse is Melbourne's longest running Open Mic night in North Melbourne. I emceed there for two years. It is one of the best places to read spoken word because you get heckled, mad drunk people yell at themselves during your performance and the establishment doesn't give a toss what goes on ... it is great fun, and that's where you find the "Cool Bananas" guy in his trench coat and poems that go on longer then 12 item express lanes in supermarkets.

:) Rups
DS said…
Sounds like anywhere called The Arthouse is a fun place to be.
Gemnastics said…
no, that is not the guy. but he should meet the other cool bananas guy from sydney cos they are both equally uncool unbananas.