Hangover cure?

Obsession with aging rockers increasing as hangover worsens. Am living dead, pig definitely shat in head only light in blurry darkness is thought of ripping tie off aging rocker before diving in for rather vigorous, um, actually haven't got to part after riping tie off. Maybe entire fantasy is to just rip tie off aging rocker? That's odd.

I saw one of the boys from the party in the supermarket on Enmore Rd, he squished past me as I was walking out the door with my shopping. I thought oh no, that's the one that I described as practicing aloof. I scared him by staring straight into his face and saying Hello Tom while he was still trying to work out if he recognised me or not. I didn't wait for his response, I had already turned my back and was walking down Enmore Rd by the time he said Hello. Ha! Take that Mr Aloof the knobtard.


Anonymous said…
LOL! Aging rockers, love it!

xoxo Rups
Anonymous said…
Tim & Tex what more could you want??
DS said…
TNT Oy! Oy! Oy!