Almost immediately after I pressed publish post on the last post the internet went down and the phone rang. It was Elliot phoning 'illegally' from the rehab to make sure I was ok, to demonstrate his ability to hug down the phone, to say all the right things. How is it possible that I have let him become so ingrained that every second thought is of him? This is going from shit to fuck in a hurry. I need a new solution. I need a Dale distraction. I need to be the Captain of how I feel.
:) Rups
Good luck finding a dale distraction.
i do believe this is an eternal mission u are on and to be the captain of yr emotion is one of the challenges that humans have been sent on this earth to conquer. No other animal on the planet really has the awareness of that opportunity to control their feelings and essentially their actions and reactions that create the ripple effects.
How we harness the power of that is such an art in itself - let alone managing to live a life in the hustle and bustle of all else that goes on around xxx