Oh dear

My mad Melbourne escapade has had to be canceled and now I am making a sad face with my face. I was very much looking forward to being a sort of groupie with the band. I was more so looking forward to spending time with the fabulous Gemma and having a flamingo beer with Rupert, though that would of course shatter the strange Rupert creature of my imagination.

I wanted to walk the streets of an unfamiliar city and be free to stare and stop in wonder and breathe. They don't like that when you do that here, not when they see you walk down the same street every day. Wonder is not welcome in the every day.


Anonymous said…
I find that a lot of my behaviour is not welcome. For example, closing my eyes and bathing in the offerings of a rainy sky invites strange stares.
DS said…
Yep that ought to do it. People should be allowed to look at the world in peace.
Gemnastics said…
or not look, as the case may be. but how can he tell there are strange stares if his eyes are closed?
DS said…
I reckon he must be able to feel the stares.
Anonymous said…

there is a swizzle stick down here with your name on it, really I wasn't encouraging sitting on concrete for six hours listening to bleeps - you have to shatter that creature of your imagination, it is the only way to see its authenticity :) xox Rups
Anonymous said…
People stare with my eyes open, so I assume they stare more when my eyes are closed (and they can get away with staring).
Gemnastics said…
perhaps it's all that cream.
DS said…
ooh maybe Creamboy and Gempires are going to have a fight. Please do it on my blog so I can watch.
DS said…
Rupert you better keep that swizzle stick in a safe place, I'll be needing it one day.