It didn't make the national news

Well done Tasmania. Good to see you are maintaining your excellent reputation which includes genocide, environmental disasters, general human torture and of course the brutal treatment of the excellent friends of Dale Slamma. No wonder they dug that big channel to keep Tasmania separate from the mainland.


Gemnastics said…
you know ula? this world is a small one.
DS said…
No, my friend was the man locked in a car, what they failed to say was that they beat the hell out of him for four hours, poor bastard never raised a fist, not once during the whole four hours, not even when the loggers went through his pockets and took out his things put them on the ground and pissed on them.
Anonymous said…
Fucking disgraceful behaviour from narrow-minded ignorants. This shit makes me cringe.

I hope your friend is okay, and I commend him for not lowering himself to retaliate with violence.
DS said…
Yes. Fucking disgraceful. His brother tells me he is ok physically but I wonder at how a person would process this experience and live with the memories and reflections of it in their pocket forever and ever.
Gemnastics said…
But how weird is it that in a story about nobody I know, the witness was...someone I know.