Fire in the hole

The cat is slipping, she should be maintaining constant vigilance for we are at war but she is curled asleep on the mohair blanket. She may be paw shocked.

The mean cat once again breached our defences yesterday. There were no casualties but the cat herself fought valiantly paw to paw in the hallway while I covered her with steady water pistol fire from Grizelda's bedroom.

Morale is at an all time low and we are keeping the back door firmly shut against attack from the rear. 10:27 and as yet no sign of the mean cat this morning. I am beginning to fear the worst. I believe an alliance has been formed between the mean cat and the bad cat and its only a matter of time before we suffer the blow of a double attack.

We are running low on ammunition, the dams are at less than 50% and the trigger on the water spray bottle in the bathroom is starting to stick. I am arguing to send to the mountains for urgent reinforcements but The Spatula maintains that we can hold our ground without the devastating and reprehensible use of Horatio the Great Dane. It is my firm belief that he could lay a secure a perimeter by marking the fence line but the others are reluctant to agree to such a course of action. They do not believe that residual dog wee will prevent another attack. I am worried that Horatio might try and eat the cat but what choice do we have? Our situation is becoming desperate. I must maintain an appearance of strength, I must be resolute. The cat needs a show of leadership now more than ever.

Faster forwards future soldiers, the end is not yet in sight.


Anonymous said…
My cat and you your cat appear to be infected with the same feebleness. He cavorts about the rooftops with the cat next door, and defends my open window from him. But as soon as the cat next door gains entry, my cat just looks confused and apprehensive and allows his food to be eaten and his box to be shat in. I have no objection to multiple cats in the house, but next-door's is bad tempered and hissy, and seems permanently outraged at being inside my perfectly nice apartment, which he came into of his own free will.

At times like these, both of them seem alarmingly stupid, for cats.
DS said…
Yes the cat is remarkably stupid when it comes to the mean cat. If she just stood up to him he would go away but she lets herself get chased into corners and needs to be rescued. Fortunately she is so fuzzy that the mean cat can't actually hurt her. Stupid cat.
Anonymous said…
You paint the picture so well, & I can see and here that invader-cat sprinting up the hall, while yours, lovely-furry-girl-lap-warmer that she is, sits looking bemused and somewhat aghast at the fact that the perimeter has been breached.
DS said…
But she's not just a lap-warmer she's a super cat with super powers.
Anonymous said…

the power to subdue someone by remaining still on them. you dont dare move for fear of unleashing her super-power wrath