That was fast, I really am good at filling in forms

Just for a change let's talk about me.

Here are some examples of nice things people wrote in order to obtain, or in praise of after obtaining, a pdf of Ocarina, my little zine:
I really enjoy your blog; so fresh and crisp and unique
i adore the way you write and i adore your fuck-you vulnerability

in one of your posts you said you were tall. I didn’t realise that. Tall is good :-)
have ALOT of courage to write about your phone sex

Interesting. So according to a bunch of people I don't know I'm tall, fresh, crisp, brave, unique and fuck-you vulnerable. I can deal with that. In fact I really like some of it, especially the fuck-you vulnerability.

On Saturday at Vanessa Berry's book launch I ran into the man my friends have dubbed Mr X. The man I think of as being a room of lamps and shadows. I literally ran straight into him, I hadn't realised how tall he was before until I found myself chest height and looking up to see his face saying "Why Mr _____, what on earth are you doing here?" like I was in a bad old movie. I should have climbed that man like a tree and toppled him over right there and then but I am a sexual spaz, he doesn't like me and he's well and truly out of bounds. Damn it. i wish he thought I was fuck-you vulnerable, I think.

Click here to vote on my latest poll, I'm closing it very soon.

I am enforcing a temporary man embargo starting now. I am not allowed to interact with men apart from can I have a giant soy latte, the men at work, single to the city please or yes I am fabulous but no I would not like to give you my bank account details. I wonder how long I can make it last?
