I tried to have a dream last night

I thought it might be fun to attempt to have a dream about a man. I thought I may as well try and dream about Rupert for two reasons, firstly I have never met him so its not as weird and secondly because he seems to be the kind of man that wouldn't mind if I did have a dream about him and then wrote about it.

Unfortunately it didn't work. I did not dream about Rupert, not even a little bit, not even a guest appearance. What did happen was a dream about Mr X. It wasn't one of those dreams which is a shame. It was a strange dream of survivalist jungle living and running from hidden enemies riding on homemade bicycles for two. There was a moment when I was crouching in the jungle, petrified and hiding from the enemies when Mr X came up behind me and folded his tall self around me for protection. This made the rest of the horrifying dream existence worthwhile.

Maybe I'll have better luck on the Rupert dream front tonight.


Anonymous said…

I don't mind at all, I'm flattered to be chosen as a dream subject, I wonder how you are going to do it?

If it turns out to be one of those dreams I have put a brolly beside my bed as a sort of psychic/symbolic euphemism for it.

Rups :)
DS said…
Woo hoo! Tonight it is definitely going to work. Definitely.