Dreams are free

But sometimes hard to come by. Last night try as I might I could not dream about Rupert. I was very excited by the prospect of having a dream about Rupert but managed only a big old case of insomnia and a fleeting dream about finding post of money. I think what I really need is some of that Dreamy Sleepy Nightie Snoozy Snooze that Father Ted seems very fond of. I don't think that anything better could have been invented than an alcoholic chocolate sleeping aid.

More pondering before posting required.


Anonymous said…
Oh dear Dale, maybe that happened because the brolly I put beside my bed was actually a parasol, might have been a small technical detail that might have askewed the whole thing, like doing the hot-step as a rain dance.

:0 Rups
DS said…
I see. Well parasols are a known cause of dream skewifness. If you wouldn't mind closing the parasol I'll try it once more.