
Or am I already too old to begin that journey? It is certain that a person can never fully become, there would be no point in going on if you got to that stage but I digress. What is to become of me?

My feeling, which may be slightly inebriated, is that its time to play. Fuck monogamy, fuck sacrifice, fuck love, fuck all my boundaries because I smashed the chrysalis and now its time to play.

Happily I had the pleasure of talking with a fellow blogger on the telephone. Despite it obviously being a strange conversation to have it was an interesting experience, one I just may repeat, other party permitting. It is easy to forget that a blog cannot contain a whole person, easy to begin to believe the mirage. I may even begin to believe that I am Dale Slamma, the one on the screen but I don't want to do that because I can tell you its like a crayon drawn self-portrait drawing you.


Anonymous said…
yay new pic. hehe looks like a lollipop :>
DS said…
Get an electric toothbrush, it will revolutionise your life.