
It was a dark and stormy night. Seriously tempestuous would be a better way to put it. Too drunk to typee. Details tomorrow. Only reason photos cause of experiment that's all. I bought Elliot a kite for my birthday, that was nice. Its orange.

Ok tiny more tyope. Problem must be problem of Dale not good also can't find thinger for taking makeup off face too cold for water splashing so too bad anyway. Cat yelling why? Maybe all men allergic? Want seriously to be typing things good but not. Am now wearing world's worst jumper, very ugly, very warm. Just let things out of head. So unsleepy I think because of cola in several of drinks. Am too old for caffeine in evenings which is a great shame. Best idea is to have coffee at excellent cafe late late at night with world all in a bubble of self, with cigarettes which are good despite bad. Developing real fear of being crazy lady with big hair as suffer from bighairitis. Not only do I suffer from this but I like people also big hair. It is good. Hair must be eminently messable to achieve maximum pillow stylin. Putting this on list of things that are good in people. Eminently messable hair. Sometimes have been asked if that is a wig, no is just hair trying to stand on end because it is funner that way. Oh what is that? Must be tail of cat. I had banana bread with honey and walnuts walking down the street in a tempest. So sick of rolling cigarettes need urgent help with rolling cigarettes. Am angry that cigarettes in packets cost money, should be free. There are supposed to be details of what I did but surely less interesting than other things until morning when head thinking. Shcoking lack of diectics, is that the wrong word? YOu know how 'the' functions in a sentenc as a sort of pointer word to help determine subjcet? Linguistics sux anyway. All linguistics now completely banned. Am taking over world and banning linguistics and yelling of cat for no reason when late. I am the Captain of what I do and I say sit here nicely in jumper with one more cigarette and type type cause typing fun alternative to no sex. Cat nice now, very fuzzy. Its quite late and wonder when will wake up in morning. There are sentences that are good that are not here right now so its very important to not touch manuscript, please remember not to type words in manuscript, would ruin many many words that are already good and not needing bad typing. I had a joint on the balcony at the Townie, everybody asking who's smoking weed but not suspecting me! Sneakers are for sneaking but sometimes if they are canvas water can go in and make your socks wet, even the stripy kind this is important. Even if stripy socks are your favouritte kind of socks they can get soggy.

List of places I went, some very bad.
Courthouse, Zanzibar, Kelly's, Marly Bar, bakery, Townie, more? Um... thinking....Madam Fling Flong not open, the Newtown all gay all the time, The Bank too sucky to contemplate, high wankery factor. Best if sleeping, better if hugging but oh well have jumper.


Anonymous said…
Please wake up, without too terrible a hangover, and deliver a full report. Hope the jumper is still comforting in the morning.
DS said…
Z, I'm awake! I'm not too hungover, I've had a hot breakfast and made a full report but I've swapped the jumper for a wrap.
DS said…
Can I just say. What was I thinking?
NWJR said…

That's all I have to say.
