
I think Elliot is trying to pick email fights with me from his new home in the rehab halfway house. I don't like this at all. I'm not sure what is going on but I suspect that both us are just feeling a little weird about this new relative freedom of communication. He seems combative and oversensitive, surely just a reaction to this first step back into the world as a sober man. I don't want to fight with him. I don't want to talk to him about anything important via email. After all this time and all this waiting it would be very easy to ruin everything with only a few typed words so I will put my sensible hat on. I will let him vent or rage or express in weird ways, for now. But if he continues in this way for long I will just say no. No. No you can't do this to me because I have been there for you, no matter what. I was there for you when my heart was shredded and I couldn't breathe. I was there for you when all you wanted to do was destroy yourself, and me. I won't let you take my happiness away Elliot, you're sober now and you know exactly what you're doing so just stop. Just stop because my life is better with you in it.
