Prick tease

I am beginning to think that an invisible monkey has drilled a tiny hole in my skull. This hole is just big enough to fit the nozzle of a can of Elliot mousse. The invisible monkey visits me regularly to fill my mind with Elliot mousse. There is no other logical explanation for the way he looms large as a cloud shadow.

I phoned Elliot in rehab a few days ago, despite swearing that I would never ever do such a thing again. The two times before that he was hostile, aggressive and not a little like a bastard. But this time. This time he was just like the picture on the can. This time he said I hate these short phone conversations, they're a real prick tease. I said So do I.


Gemnastics said…
Why do we give them extra chances? It's like the more fucked up they are, the more we are drawn. Do we feel more needed? Are we that deluded? Yes, we are.
DS said…
Nah.I'm not so deluded. I can clearly see with both eyes just how often I am doing the wrong thing, for me.
Gemnastics said…
That's what I mean. Awareness of doing the wrong thing doesn't mean we do the right thing. At least, not for me.
DS said…
Damn it Gempires! You're right. This one has got under my skin and I suspect he is made of poison.
Anonymous said…
I think the question is not why you give them extra chances, but why you are attracted to them in the first place?
DS said…
Thanks Jeremy, sure is. Got any ideas ? No really do you have any clue about this cause I don't and it just plain sux.
Anonymous said…
I wish I did Dale. Maybe you like guys who are different or edgy. The postives in them really attract you and the negatives really repel you.Unlike boring, ordinary people,that is how they are. Are the highs worth the lows? perhaps you can enjoy the experience and when it goes bad try and cut your losses.

Actually I haven't a clue, I just know that when you are in love or infatuated all sense and reason gets thrown ovrboard.
DS said…
You're right, love throws discards all sense and reason. Someone better telephone Captain and Tenille and let them know that they were wrong. Love won't keep us together.